Catch intruders trying to unlock your phone

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How it works

IntruderDetector works in 3 easy steps!

Step 1Someone tries to unlock your phone with the wrong password or pattern, and then IntruderDetector captures their picture.


Step 2In the meantime, IntruderDetector obtains your phone's current location and address


Step 3Finally, IntruderDetector sends you an email with the intruder's picture and location



Intruder Detection

Get notified on your device with intruder's picture and location when they try to unlock your phone

Break-in Detection

Get notifed with intruder's picture and location when they successfully unlock your phone after some failed attempts

Email notification

Receive an email in case of intruder or break-in detection

Warning Message

Show a warning message to the intruder to encourage them to return your phone


Hide notifications and change email subject so intruder won't be suspicious


Choose between different app themes and email templates alongside many options to configure the app

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